Friday, February 28, 2020

To what extent was there a step change in Britains relationship with Essay

To what extent was there a step change in Britains relationship with the EU in 1997 - Essay Example Unfortunately, half a century later, the EU term does not consist of all European states. The EU is a supranational organisation, this means that it is made up of other countries. Countries that choose to become members make a major sacrifice to forego some of their national sovereignty in order to agree on social, political and economic policies which are of common interest.2 At this juncture it would be prudent to note that the EU is more superior to its member states. This is evidenced by the member states’ laws and national policies which are equally bound by the EU institutions and regulations. Ironically though, the theoretical basis for the EU was provided by the then British Conservative Prime Minister Winston Churchill yet it is them who have lagged behind in actualising European integration3. Due to the country’s historical, traditional and institutional background, it has found it extremely difficult to link both its domestic and European policies. Since time in memorial, Britain was never keen on intergrating with other countries in Europe. It always isolated itself and even in the 1950s while other European countries such as Italy, France and Germany, joined into a single market in coal and steel, which was then termed the Common Market. This is the modern day European Union (EU). Britain however succumbed to the insurmountable pressure and eventually joined, this was in 1973. Their decision to join was however due to being forced by circumstances. Europe seemed to be where the money was and not being a part of it was tantamount to cutting your nose to spite your face. The British are still yet to change their mentality over their inclusion in the EU, they view it as a marriage of convinience, as it helps them in carrying out their transactions. The Thatcher government for instance was opposed to the rapid integration of the European markets. She was also

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

MEDICINAL COURSEWORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

MEDICINAL COURSEWORK - Essay Example It is against this background that it is necessary that third party disease fighting defenses be introduced. Through chemistry and medicine, the commonest form of third party or external disease fighting defense that has been given to the human body has been by the use of drugs or what is commonly known as medicine. Depending on the disease that a person is battling, different drugs are introduced. One typical drug that has been very keen in body disease defenses is Omeprazole, having the been useful in the treatment of a host of diseases including dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease among others (Hassan-Alin et al, 2001). With a market name of Losec, Omeprazole comes in several forms including tablets and capsules. In this essay, a very detailed chemistry analysis is made of the drug with an aim of trying to understand the medicinal value of the drug, background to the diseases that the drug treats, functionality of the drug, as well as an evaluation of how the drug performs its chemical roles in the human body. Disease Omeprazole is used to treat Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease Omeprazole has been found to be suitable in the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, otherwise known as GORD or GERD (Lagerstrom and Persson, 1984). Gastro-oesophageal reflux is more of a medical condition, which involves the abnormal relaxation of the lower part of the oesophageal sphincter in such as way that easily allows the back flow or reflux of the stomach’s acidic content into the gullet (Andersson, 1991). It will be noted that the stomach’s acidic content has its special role that it plays in the stomach and has special compartments within the stomach specially designed to contain it (Hassan-Alin et l, 2000). For this reason, if the acidic content flows into undesignated places like the gullet, it causes uncomfortable reactions to patients involved. In most cases, it is the muscular ring found beneath the oesophagus that gets malfunctioning, resulting in the abnormal relaxation. Smoking and drinking, as well as heavy eating are all associated with the disease (Cederberg, Heggelund and Lundborg, 1991) and it comes with symptoms such as burning sensation in upper abdomen, sour taste of acid reflux in the mouth, excess belching and difficulty in breathing for some patients (Edvardsson, Heggelund and Lundborg, 1990). Fig. 1: A Person suffering from heartburns Source: Henderson, 2012 Peptic ulcers Peptic ulcer is a bacterial disease that involves damages to areas of the mucosa, commonly referred to as the inner lining of the stomach (Andersson et al, 1993). It would be noted that ulcers are generally wounds or open damages that affects various parts of the human body. Once such ulcers occur in the upper part of the intestine, also known as the duodenum or the mucosa of the stomach, peptic ulcer is said to have resulted. Peptic ulcers are commonly associated with the Heli cobacter pylori, which causes the ulcer in the identified spots of the stomach. As far as peptic ulcers are concerned, it is important that people know their state of risk to the disease so that they can moderate most of their intake contents including smoke, alcohol, some food and some medicine. This is because these intake contents have the potential of worsening risk of contracting the disease (Miners, Veronese and Birkett, 1994). Hitherto, it is advised that