Monday, April 20, 2020

The Human Body and Mind Quiz Essay Example

The Human Body and Mind: Quiz Essay The are located at the top of the brain and contain the compensatory cortex, which receives information about pressure, pain, touch, and temperature from all over the body. Parietal lobes 2. A neither increases nor decreases the probability of a behavior. Neutral consequence 3. Won a Nobel Prize for his work with salivating dogs and his theory of classical conditioning. Ivan Pavlov 4. Was an early twentieth century neurologist who argued that the unconscious part of the mind contains passions, guilty secrets, and conflicts that makes themselves known In reams Freud 5. All self-help resources are based on emplace data (observation, experimentation, and measurement). False 6. As a whole, people act differently when they are part of a group. True 7. The autonomic nervous system both a and c 8. Because language is too complex to be learned bit by bit, linguist, NOAA Chomsky, argued that the human brain must contain a(n) language acquisition devise 9. The Cerebrum is divided into two separate halves, which are called the Cerebral hemispheres 10. Critical talking Is necessary In psychology to distinguish between pseudoscience and psychobabble. False 11. Culture can shape your perception. True 12. A descriptive study that looks for a consistent relationship between two phenomena is a(n correlation study 13. An early psychological approach that emphasized the analysis of immediate experience into basic elements coined by E. B. Telemeter In the late sass was known structuralism 14_ The first self-improvement program began In the: 19th century 15. The founder of scientific psychology: Wilhelm Wound (1832-1920) 16. From birth, boys and girls instinctively know how to act. False 17. Genetics can play a major role in mental disorders. True 18. 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In its physiological effects, alcohol is: downer 24. In psychological research, a group of participants in a study that accurately represent the larger population that the researcher is testing is called the representative sample 25. Infant reflexes, interest in novelty, a desire to explore and manipulate objects, an impulse to play, and basic cognitive skills are all examples of Innate Human place is the cerebrum 27. Learning that involves associations between environmental stimuli and the organisms responses is known conditioning 28. Lying on the sofa and talking about your feelings is the only method of psychotherapy. Ales 29. Martha travels to Australia to study the mating behavior of koala bears in their forest habitat. The data collection method he is using is called natural observation 30. Mrs.. Maier discusses appropriate behavior and citizenship in her third grade classroom. Afterwards, students role play a situation regarding the topic of sharing, and in small groups, talk about best practices. Mrs.. Mares perspective f the study of psychology most likely is cognitive 31 . Neurons communicate to other neurons and to muscles or glands in electrical and chemical language, which include action potentials and neurotransmitters 32. Neurons communicate with other neurons and some muscles and glands in electrical language called action potential and chemical language called Neurotransmitters 33. Once you have a fear of something, you will always have those fears. False 34. Only teenagers experience peer pressure. False 35. Only the things that you see and hear have psychological effects upon you. False 36. Oversimplification is an example of thinking critically false 37. People with mental illnesses are insane. False 38. Principles that describe the brains organization of sensory information into meaningful units and patterns are gestalt principles 39. A procedure in which a practitioner suggests changes in a subjects sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, or behavior is hypnosis 40. A psychiatrist has (LASS) has at least while a licensed clinical social worker a Medical Degree; a Masters in Psychology 41 . Psychological research has changed societys views of mental illnesses. Rue 42. A psychologist who attempts to understand why individuals are less likely to respond to an emergency while present in a large crowd versus when there are only a few people present would most likely be a social psychologist 43. Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes in humans and animals and how they are affected by their physical state, mental state, and external environment. True 44. Psychology is discipline concerned with an organisms mental state and external environment. 45. A psychotherapist who follows the biological perspective would most likely treat a attain with anxiety attacks by scheduling the patient for biofeedback and yoga sessions. 46. Rebecca is a cultural psychologist. She would be most interested in studying the effects of parental discipline techniques on young children in the U. S. As compared to those in Southern Europe. 47. A relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience is generally referred to as learning 48. Research methods in psychology may include: all the above 49. The saying, Change things I can change, accept the things I cannot change, and the sides to know the difference has no bearing on psychology. False 50. Serotonin, dopamine, acetylenes, morphogenesis, GAB, and Glutamate are all environment can help you to gain a different perspective on your situation. 52. Sigmund Frauds personality theory includes: Ego, Superego, old 53. The small endocrine gland that is located at the base of the brain, releases hormones, and regulates endocrine glands is the the pituitary gland 54. The smallest quantity of physical energy that can be reliably detected by a given observer absolute threshold 55. Stereotyping is always bad. Is: 56. A structure housed in the cochlea of the ear that contains the receptors for hearing is the organ of Court 57. A study is designed to test the effects of a drug to stop habitual smoking. There are two groups of subjects, one receiving the drug and one receiving a placebo. If neither the subjects nor the experimenters know which group is actually receiving the drug, the design is a double-blind 58. The study of psychology can experiment. Help you to: both 59. A technique of operant conditioning whereby the trainer begins by reinforcing behavior that is a tendency in the right direction and gradually requires responses that are more and more similar to the final desired response is referred to shaping 60. That which is defined as a mental disorder in one culture may be normal in another culture. True 61. This part of the brain regulates survival drives and instincts of both the individual and the species. It is associated with hunger, thirst, emotions, sex, and reproduction. It also regulates body temperature causing the body to sweat or shiver and it controls complex operations of the autonomic nervous system. The Hypothalamus 62. To find out how common domestic violence is in the general population, a questionnaire was sent out to a random sample of anonymous respondents about the incidence of hitting, slapping, and punching in their homes. The method used for collecting data is the survey 63. Using positive reinforcement, psychologists can predict a desired behavior: some of the time 64. What kinds of experiences hinder intellectual development all the above 65. Which of the following are considered to be the brains natural opiates? Endorphins 66. Which of the following nervous systems handle the central nervous systems input ND output and contain all portions of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord down to the nerves in the tips of the fingers and toes? The Peripheral Nervous System 67. You can teach an old dog a new trick. 68. A young child becomes excited to see his dad enter the house when he returns home from work each day. Eventually, the child becomes excited when he hears his fathers truck nearing the driveway. According to the theory of classical conditioning, the childs excitement upon seeing his father is the the noise of the truck is the conditioned stimulus and Unconditioned response;

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